Nokia 6300, iSync Plugin, and Contact Photos

Nokia 6300 plugin

Here is some iSync plugins for the Nokia 6300; the first two works pretty stable, and the last has support of contact photos and birthdays, but is might cause some errors to the iSync synchronization process. All plugins should be compatible with Leopard.

Here is what to do:

  1. Download one of the following plugins:

    (using the last mentioned read these notes)

  2. Extract the (your browser might do it for you).
  3. Quit iSync if its running
  4. Double click the Nokia 6300 Plugin
  5. Drag and drop the green folder on the blue one
    Install Guide
  6. Start iSync, and the Nokia 6300 should be supported

Additional notes and issues:

  • iSync only synchronizes the contacts you have on the phone and not on the SIM-card. View this comment.
  • All-day events in iCal appears as events with start and end time at the same hour in the phones calendar 6300 when synchronized, e.g. 14:00-14:00 according to the time zone.

Notes and issues on synchronizing contact photos:

  • If you add contact photos on the phone and then synchronizes, it should work fine.
  • But if the photos are added in the Address Book on your mac, some issues are present. Although it works in Address Book adding photos to contacts, it does not always work according to the synchronization part. If a photo is added and you have used the embedded ‘image edit’ pop-up window, then when it comes to iSync your entire sync will fail. But adding photos is still possible, if you have a photo you like to add to a certain contact, just drag it to the information area of the contact, and if the image edit pop-up appears just press Cancel, and in most cases the photo is added anyways.
  • If iSync fails because of the above, you are not told what failed, or why it failed.
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32 Responses to Nokia 6300, iSync Plugin, and Contact Photos

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